Sometimes i wonder why i volley. I have a full time job with a career department to fulfill my affiliation requirement for my certification. Why, then, do i have to put up with arrogant small town chiefs, sexism, lack of professionalism, and blatant disregard of procedure? All i want is do my job well. if Mr "I'm the Chief and this is my station and my unit and what does incident command have to do with it" doesn't want to let me do my job, he can have it. there's so only so many EMT's on this island, which is why he asked me to volley at his station to begin with. these country fire dept boys should remember that just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i don't have twice the training and way more experience when it comes to EMS. i will gladly defer to them on any thing to do with the big red trucks but the band aid box is mine.