
I overheard an acquaintance talking about her divorce the other day.  she complained that her husband's lawyer claimed she was "deliberately under-employed".  She listed all the volunteer work she does.  She gets some income from commissioned art work, but doesn't even make enough to have to file taxes.  she says "what do they expect- for me to get a job?"  uh, yeah.  If her husband is so unreliable, how can she count on him to make those alimony and child support payments? shouldn't she be securing a job to pay for food and health insurance for her children?  oh, wait, i get it.  she expects ME to hold a job, pay taxes, and thereby secure a source of income for Obama to spend on her food stamps and medicaid.  how interesting.  did i mention, i have a studio in the same gallery she does and i volunteer at least once a week, in ADDITION to my full time job and two part time jobs? 


a reminder for americans

saw a great video today on lawdog's blog with a message important to remember in these dark days when people are looking to the government to solve all their problems. 

its a mans world...

having a hard time because of my matched x chromosomes is nothing new. after all i am the only girl in my fire company.  i am married to a type a personality.  i was raised in a conservative home where the man is the head of the house hold.  i make a living on a paramedic crew- in this area at least, its a male dominated field.  i run into a problem occasionally, but this time i am really pissed off.  am i angry because my chief hasn't learned to trust me to do my job?  am i concerned because the creepy guy who stays one step behind the harassment line was just made a shift supervisor? nope.  i have made peace with all that.  i am furious because my male gyn has been treating me with lupron for months.  this would have been a great idea if endometriosis was actually the source of the pain.  when it kept getting worse, i sought a second opinion.  this time from a female doctor who actually understood when i described the pain by relating it to menstrual pain, childbirth and other things men have no idea about. if the gyn had listened to me carefully the first time, he may have realized that the pain was affecting my job, my sex life, etc without assuming i was woman and therefore weak and intolerant to a little discomfort.  so now, nearly a year after all this started, i am facing the possibility of losing my job, seeing an oncologist, and having surgery soon.  


Supervisor Partner is out of town for her birthday, leaving me to work with a part timer.  I was a bit concerned when I didn't recognize the name on the schedule, but can I just say he is HOT!!!  I don't mean attractive or good-looking.  I mean My god, can we open a window because the room temperature just went ten degrees HOT.  and funny.  and he can cook and clean.  and sew.  and did i mention HOT!!  So anyway, not much going on in the marsh-dom today.  people just don;t seem to want to flip their cars, forget their insulin shot, get shot, or even slip and fall when I'm on call.  Nothing to do except try to not stare at the smoldering hot uniform on the other end of the couch.  At least it's a good distraction from the pain caused by my errant ovary and upcoming surgery  for same. :)  a girls' gotta have a little fun...