I overheard an acquaintance talking about her divorce the other day. she complained that her husband's lawyer claimed she was "deliberately under-employed". She listed all the volunteer work she does. She gets some income from commissioned art work, but doesn't even make enough to have to file taxes. she says "what do they expect- for me to get a job?" uh, yeah. If her husband is so unreliable, how can she count on him to make those alimony and child support payments? shouldn't she be securing a job to pay for food and health insurance for her children? oh, wait, i get it. she expects ME to hold a job, pay taxes, and thereby secure a source of income for Obama to spend on her food stamps and medicaid. how interesting. did i mention, i have a studio in the same gallery she does and i volunteer at least once a week, in ADDITION to my full time job and two part time jobs?
2 months ago